Toronto nights (Iranian nights) - Guests: Ghazal Fateh Rad and Saba Akbari

Program Description


- Ghazal Fateh Rad (PhD in Educational Administration, manager and educational planner in a constructive method, teacher of self-awareness, soft skills and personal development, intergenerational communication consultant, founder of the Radio Trash podcast)

- Saba Akbari (PhD in anthropology, master's degree in clinical psychology, art therapist, family counselor and health-oriented life coaching candidate from Coaching and Health Institute)

Host: Mehrnoosh Amerian

Iranian Nights is one of the programs of the Persian Awards series.

In these programs, different people of the Iranian society, from all over the world, who have various activities in various fields, are invited to talk and have a sincere conversation about their business, expertise, skills, and achievements. In addition, in the programs of Iranian nights Social issues are addressed at the local and international level. 

Items raised in this program:

Introducing Scarborough Crescent Water Park

And how to renew an Iranian passport in Canada

These programs were implemented in order to increase awareness, build culture, introduce the potentials of Iranian society and convergence, and they will be published on the social networks of Parsi Awards and will be available to the public for free in the online archive of this collection forever.



Ghazal Fateh Rad

Saba Akbari